Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Checking off boxes

Since the anxiety of these final weeks leading up to defense and graduation is fully upon me--complete with sleeplessness and nasty heartburn--I thought it might be helpful to publicly applaud myself for things I have gotten done in the past week:

1. Finished taxes. This includes federal, New York, and New Jersey. All by myself.
2. Found a place to live this summer, thus postponing finding a new apartment and probably a roommate until I'm better able to make clear-headed decisions.
3. Ordered cap and gown (rental).
4. Applied for two full-time teaching positions for next year.
5. Did lots of crafty work on gifts for committee. (I love decoupage! Tearing paper and playing with glue in random patterns, peeling glue off hands in big pieces--what's not to love? Everyone should expect decoupaged gifts for the next year.)
6. Gave samples of urine, toenails, blood (buckets, I swear!), and household dust to the examiner from the Sister Study project.

Okay, that's plenty. I'm feeling better now. I've turned a corner on this last little bit of revision, which I hope (cross fingers and squeeze eyes shut) will result in a more than defensable draft. (Smart hint o' the day for dissertators: re-read your exams and prospectus when you get bogged down. You may remember what you actually set out to do at the beginning! And even--as in my case--if you couldn't do all of it, you can talk real smart about what should happen with the project in the future.)


aerobil said...

you gots to tell us where you're living.

susansinclair said...

It's a secret. (okay, not really--I'll send you an email as soon as its settled & I know the address)