Friday, July 03, 2009

Ah, That New Car Smell

If you look closely, I'm not smiling--but that's just because I was worrying about whether the camera was working! In fact, driving this baby is loads of fun. It's a brand new 2009 Subaru Impreza, five-speed, no fancy technology, and the prettiest shade of blue ever. (I did have the dealership install a remote starter for me, but it had to be done by an independent shop, so I have to go see them to show me how to use it. Because in zero-degree North Country weather, I want that baby warmed up, thankyouverymuch!)

Now, to find my Whitman sticker for the back window...


Jonathan Benda said...

ooohhh... nice....

Mark E. said...

I have had my Subaru for 6 1/2 years. It has been a great car!! no problems.

Subaru WRX Sportswagen