Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day has been postoned

See, we've got weather. Here in Syracuse, we didn't get too much of all that snow that dumped north of us. But now, a full-fledged n'oreaster, with lots of snow and now wind to blow it all around. Oh, and plummeting temperatures.

So, even though I dug out the car and was willing to make the attempt to drive across town to GF's house, we decided it wasn't a good idea. We weren't going to be able to do the Valentine's dinner anyway, and going and then trying to come back later...well, not smart.

So, I've got a fridge full of tasty finger foods and a small Valentine's gift and it will just have to wait til the weekend.

Then I saw the news, and they said some 15 people have died in weather-related accidents. So I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself.

1 comment:

fossilgirl said...

I love